あじまりかんは貴方を自由にする [Ajimarikan frees you]

睡蓮ファンタジアの花 [Water lily fantasia flower ]

あじまりかんは貴方を自由にする[Ajimarikan frees you]/斎藤 敏一 [Toshikazu Saito]



◎師走に想う [Think of December]

    Recently (December 2017), good weather has continued. If I go out and take a walk, the clear winter atmosphere will wrap me up and I will be able to enjoy my freedom and feel very comfortable and incredible. 

    Now, where does the free mood I feel now come from?

    In my case, I have retired and there are no companies to go to. I am grateful that I am freed from my work as a programmer, which was not always fun, and only have to do what I want to do. It is a plan that finally makes my wish come true and I can get up in a job that seems to be a writing business.

    The feeling of “I only have to do what I want to do” is something that this person will experience for the first time, and there is a sense of openness, and it can’t be helped to have fun every day. I’m really grateful. 

  • 従うべき上司はいない(とにかく気持ちがいい)。
    No boss to obey (it feels good anyway).
  • 家が拠点なので家族を大切にできる(愛する者たちに囲まれている)。
    Since my home is my base, I can take good care of my family (surrounded by loved ones)
  • 自分も家族もみんな元気である(これが一番有り難いことだ)。
    I and my family are all fine (this is the most grateful thing).
  • 自分の時間を完全に好きなように使える。
    Use my time completely as I like.
  • 人様のためになることを考えたり実践したりできる。
    I can think and practice what is good for others.

    As mentioned above, I realized that I was able to get an ideal life before I knew it, and I was satisfied with the feeling of “I’ll do my best”. 

◎「あじまりかん」が私に本を書かせた [“Ajimarikan” made me write a book]

    There is a deep reason why I brought up my example in this paper. It happened that I had many opportunities to come into contact with God(=Kami) and history, and I think it was great that I liked to think about the secret meaning of life. For more than 40 years, I have lived such an other-worldly life. 

    It was around 2014 that I decided to write something that only I could write. At first I didn’t know what I was trying to write, and the name of the book was “The Secret of the World”. It eventually became “The Advent of Ajimarikan”, but my actual debut as a writer is “Ajimarikan’s Law”. 

     I was a completely unknown newcomer, so even if I published my virgin work as a Kindle book on Amazon, it didn’t sell at all, and I spent two years without ringing and flying. However, I repeated revisions of my own virgin work in the meantime. And it seems that my efforts during that time were not in vain.

    Because during that time, I was chanting “Ajimarikan” single-mindedly. Thanks to that, my destiny was guided in the desired direction, and I was able to make my debut with “Ajimarikan’s Law”. Let’s follow the course of my publication. 

 ・世界の秘密 [The secret of the world]
  ・・・書き始め(2014年春)[Start writing (Spring 2014)]
                       [Half a year has passed, and during this time, I met “Ajimarikan”]
      ↓ キーワード=『日本とはどんな国』(佐藤定吉著)
                           Keyword = “What kind of country is Japan” (Sadakichi Sato)
 ・生命の樹の秘密 [The secret of the tree of life]
  ・・・改題(2015年春)[Renamed (Spring 2015)]
                        Half a year has passed, and a large addition to “Ajimarikan”
 ・生命の樹の発見 [Discovery of the tree of life]
            Published my maiden work “World Shinto Trilogy” for Kindle (Summer 2015)
                       One and a half years have passed, reflecting the analysis results
                       of “Ajimarikan”

 ・あじまりかんの法則 [Ajimarikan’s law]
            New work published in Create Books (Summer 2017)
                        3 months have passed, and the analysis results of “Ajimarikan”
                        have been organized.

 ・アジマリカンの降臨 [Advent of Ajimarikan]
            Published her maiden work at Ajimarikan Tomo no Kai (Autumn 2017)

    Around 2014, I had the opportunity to read back Dr. Teikichi Sato’s “What kind of country is Japan?” A part (*) of the secret of “Ajimarikan” was written there. I continued to chant “Ajimarikan” for more than two years. In the meantime, “Ajimarikan” always guided me and was inspired by the kototama of “Ajimarikan”, and finally two Ajimarikan books were completed. 

    It means that an event happened that could only be said that “Ajimarikan” itself made me write a book. 

* The following passage gave me the conviction that “Ajimarikan is a god.”


          “The spiritual wavelength that comes from the whole (when chanting
          “Ajimarikan “) is the spiritual wavelength when” God and man “are inevitably
           united and” God “appears from within the person.
It is received like a sound.

    Dr. Sato does not say a word about the true identity of this “god” because he died without learning about the Omoto spirit = the three gods of creation that Yamakage Shinto preaches. Saito realized that this “god” was a great spirit. 

 ここに至り、故山蔭基央師が生前に『神道の生き方』の「第四章 太元霊の話」で説かれていた、以下の一節に対する驚嘆すべき回答を門外漢である斎藤が発見したのだということがはっきりしてきた。
    At this point, I(=Saito) discovered a marvelous answer to the following passage, which was explained in “Chapter 4 The Story of the Daigenrei” in “The Way of Life in Shinto” before Motohisa Yamakage was alive. It became clear that it was. 


           “We must once again review this point of nothingness and reaffirm the absolute,
           or we will not see the flaws in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, which have the
           only absolute God of the opposite.
The present world where the three major
           religions that arose from the above are in conflict can bring about the destruction
           of the earth. The horrifying thing is the mistake of the theory, the mistake of the

          “We Japanese originate from a single point of nothing that speaks nothing,
          and convey the religion (Shinto) of doctrinal, undisciplined, and idolless,
          but what it shows is that even if it always constitutes a new myth.
It ’s good

     The “new myth” that the late Master Yamakage was trying to point out existed as an answer from the beginning at his feet. The answer is the great god curse “Ajimarikan”. The true meaning of the Kototama of “Ajimarikan” is the original spirit. In other words, the word “Ajimarikan” has a main spirit, and that main spirit is the Daigenrei = the three gods of creation = the supreme god = the god common to all humankind. 

     Indeed, “Ajimarikan” is the Kototama of the Daigenrei, and when it is chanted, the Daigenrei descends. It is said that “Ajimarikan”, which Yamakage Shinto has handed down for 2,000 years, was the spirit of the Daigenrei. No one noticed the tremendous truth. Isn’t it a long-awaited story … 
    ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×   ×
     I’m sorry to say this, but the late Motohisa Yamakage and other people involved in Yamakage Shinto do not understand the meaning of chanting “Ajimarikan”, and “The sutra reader of the Buddhist priest does not know sutra”.

     “Ajimarikan” is a linguistic manifestation of the god of origin = primordial god = supreme god = common to all humankind. That is why chanting “Ajimarikan” will save all humankind unconditionally regardless of religion or religion. Now is the time to draw out the great power of “Ajimarikan”. Do you understand what this means?

     In this way, I hope that the people involved in Yamakage Shinto, who are pointed out by the programmer (Saito) of the outsider, will be greatly encouraged. Please be prepared to devote your life to the great god curse “Ajimarikan”. You will need to regain your spirit by reading my book, The Advent of Ajimarikan. 

◎「あじまりかん」は唱える人に究極の自由を与える [“Ajimarikan” gives the chanter the ultimate freedom]

    Writing the “Ajimarikan book” gave me the freedom I mentioned at the beginning. 

    I think that what happened to me by chanting “Ajimarikan” happens to everyone. Because the freedom I feel is essentially “freedom of the mind” and “freedom of the soul”. I have no special position in the world, I am not rich, I have no power, but I am enjoying my freedom. This can only be described as spiritual freedom. In short, it’s in a state of “having nothing except my body, bring an arrow or a gun”, but I feel good anyway. 

    So the point here is that “freedom of the soul and freedom of the spirit are the ultimate freedom”. This freedom is a treasure that belongs to eternal life that you will never lose anywhere in the universe. I got here and got “eternal life”. In the same way, you also get eternal life with “Ajimarikan”. 

    “Ajimarikan” gives you ultimate freedom = eternal life. The state of mind is that “wherever you go in the universe (on earth, in the spirit world, in the divine world, or in other stars)”. In short, it is a state of “invincibility = nothing scary”. Do you know why this is so? 

    “Ajimarikan” is the spirit of the Creator of the Universe (= Daigenrei), so you know what you want to be the most. In fact, the existence of human beings is the dividing spirit of the Creator of the Universe (= Daigenrei), so it does not become bad. Your true wish (= the wish most suitable for your soul) will surely be fulfilled. 

    All you have to do is throw your life into “Ajimarikan” with “Ah!”. After that, “Ajimarikan” will guide your destiny in the best direction.

    This Saito is the best example. Any ordinary person (a person who loves God) can do as long as it imitates Saito. That’s why anyone can be as good as Saito.

    It doesn’t matter if Saito says 100% unbelievable (I’m an imperfect person, and I often make mistakes. There are many misunderstandings …). However, I would like you to believe and chant only “Ajimarikan”. 

◎「あじまりかん現象」は全人類に起きる! [The “Ajimarikan phenomenon” occurs in all humankind!]

    What happened to Saito by chanting “Ajimarikan” will happen to you too. It should be applied to all humankind. In other words, just as Saito got eternal life with “Ajimarikan”, everyone (= all human beings) can get eternal life. 

    As I mentioned in the article “Ajimarikan is science!“, Ajimarikan works because the spiritual fact that human beings are children of God is immutable. So what happened to me yesterday will happen to you today. And that “Ajimarikan phenomenon” is transmitted to all humankind. This is no mistake. 

[Reference material]
・ “Ajimarikan’s Law” by Toshikazu Saito
・ “The Advent of Ajimarikan” by Toshikazu Saito