あじまりかん友の会とは [What is Ajimarikan Fellowship?]/斎藤 敏一 [Tohiskazu Saito]
Before we talk about “Ajimarikan Fellowship“, we need to talk about “What is Ajimarikan?” in the first place.
拙著『あじまりかんの法則』の最終章はQ&Aとなっており、最後の質問は「最終的に「あじまりかん」とは一体何? 」でした。その内容を整理すると次のようになります。
The final chapter of my book “Ajimarikan’s Law” is a Q & A, and the final question was “What is <Ajimarikan>?” in the end. The contents are summarized as follows.
図:アジマリカン=全宇宙的コトタマ [Figure: Ajimarikan=The kototama of the hole universe]

◎「あじまりかん」の際だった特徴 [Distinguishing features of “Ajimarikan”]
“Ajimarikan”, called the Daijinju, is a kototama that has been handed down in Japan since ancient times. The word “Jinju” is a term used in the world of Ko-Shintō, also called “kajiri”, and is a spell of a god(“Kami” in Japanese) that has been passed down since ancient time in Japan. Since “Ajimarikan” is the Daijinju, it means that it is a great Kami’s spell.
「あじまりかん」以外では、「アマテラスオオミカミ」や「トホカミエミタメ(または、トホカミエヒタメ)」、「カムナガラ タマチハヘマセ」などの呪文も(大)神呪と呼ばれることがあるようです。
Other than “Ajimarikan”, spells such as “Amaterasu Omikami”, “Tohokami Emitame (or Tohokami Ehitame)”, and “Kamunagara Tamachihaemase” are sometimes called (great) kami spells.
“Ajimarikan” has a meaning in chanting. The act / process of chanting “Ajimarikan” has the following distinctive features.
・天と地をつなぐ神の柱 [The pillar of Kami that connects the heavens and the earth]
When chanted by humans in the physical world, a pillar of Kami that connects the heavens and the earth stands. You yourself will be the Kanbashira. That is, it means that Kami will come down in you. This is the highest merit of “Ajimarikan”.
When chanting “Ajimarikan,” the sound of Kototama (waves) reverberates throughout the spiritual hierarchical universe, including the physical world. The vibration of “Ajimarikan” covers the creator Kami level-Kami world-spirit world-ghost world-ether world-material world).
・魂の完全栄養食品 [Complete nutritional food for the soul]
It becomes an all-in-one soul nourishment and brings growth and balance to the whole human being (= one spirit and four souls).
◎個人の全人格的な向上 [Personality improvement of the individual ]
The great Kami spell “Ajimarikan” is a spell given to Japan when the ancient Yamato was founded. Our ancestors recognized that “human beings are separated from Kami’s life (represented by the word “Kami’s Dividing Spirit”). By chanting “Ajimarikan”, human beings reveal their original form as a divine spirit.
The whole personality improvement is the integrated growth of one spirit and four souls (the central straight spirit and the rough soul, the harmonious soul, the happy soul, and the mystic soul), which is the whole existence of human beings. It means the work of the great Kami spell “Ajimarikan”.

The whole personality improvement of an individual includes the result of a fundamental improvement of fate (the fulfillment of the person’s essential wishes and happiness) and a significant improvement in spirituality. The true meaning of the subtitle “Ajimarikan’s Law” in my book, “Wishes come true just by chanting,” means that individual wishes are finally fulfilled in harmony with the surroundings. This means that by chanting “Ajimarikan” innocently, your wish will come true in the best possible way (as a result) for you.
Therefore, “Ajimarikan” is not a gavel. Wishes that make both the chanter and those around him happy can be fulfilled. Furthermore, if you have a positive soul-like and human ability that brings happiness to those around you, it will surely be fulfilled.
The great Kami spell “Ajimarikan” is such a kototama.
◎全人類の平和と繁栄 [Peace and prosperity of all mankind ]
The world of Miroku will be realized when human beings (nations, societies, and organizations) do “Ajimarikan”. “Do Ajimarikan” means that human beings choose God = good. When the essence of “Ajimarikan” is proved as science, a big event called “Do Ajimarikan” will occur for all human beings. Here, “science” means science in a broad sense, that is, empirical science, but it will soon be proved physically and psychologically.
The creativity, purification, and coordination of the great Kami will be activated by “starting Ajimarikan by humankind“, and the appearance of the divine world will be expanded on this earth. The process by which humankind begins is developed through the concrete actions of the shinjin’s (=god man, human who became kami-state), including the practitioners of “Ajimarikan”. It’s not correct that someone do it. By acting concretely as a practitioner of “Ajimarikan”, humankind will also be guided in the direction of “Ajimarikan”. However, it doesn’t matter if you don’t think of it as yourself now. This is because each person goes through each stage and naturally becomes that way.
◎「あじまりかん」プロジェクト=神人大量生産計画の発動 [“Ajimarikan” project = Activation of shinjin mass production plan ]
「あじまりかん」プロジェクトとは、神の経綸としての「神人大量生産計画」です。ミロク世の現実化の第一段階として、何千人、何万人もの神人が出現します。 神人とは、これを読まれているあなた自身のことです。あなたはただ「あじまりかん」を唱えればよいのです。元々あなたは神なのですから、「あじまりかん」を唱えることによって「自分は貴い神だった」と気付くだけのことです。その時点で、あなたの中に実感として神が入った状態になります。人類についても、全く同じ気付きが起こるのです。これから起きることは、我々人類がみな神の子で兄弟姉妹であるということに気付くプロセスなのです。
The “Ajimarikan” project is a “God man mass production plan” as a god’s history. Thousands and tens of thousands of gods will emerge as the first step in the realization of the Miroku world. The god person is yourself who is reading this. You just have to chant “Ajimarikan”. Since you are a god in the first place, you only realize that you were a precious god by chanting “Ajimarikan”. At that point, you will feel that God is inside you. Exactly the same thing happens to humankind. What is to come is the process of realizing that we humans are all children of God and brothers and sisters.
◎全人類ビックリの神の仕組(経綸) [The mechanism of the god by which all human beings are surprised]
It’s very easy to chant “Ajimarikan”. This type of training is called “easy way”. In Japan, there is a tradition of easy way, such as Nenbutsu (Namu Amida Butsu) and the chanting (Nanmu Myōhō Renkakyo). The ultimate is the “Ajimarikan way” that emerged in the 21st century.
This way has been confirmed to be extremely effective and is likely to be recognized and practiced worldwide (I would say that it has already been decided). This is because anyone can meet their own god by chanting “Ajimarikan”. The substance of that god is the supreme deity common to all humankind called the Daigenrei. That is the mechanism of the god that surprises all humankind.
My book “The Advent of Ajimarikan“, had to be prepared before the publication of “Ajimarikan’s Law” in order to clarify the divine history (God’s plan). Since all humankind and the entire universe appear in God’s plan, there is a circumstance that I could not help writing it prior to “Ajimarikan’s Law.” I would like everyone to take on the challenge of “The Advent of Ajimarikan”.
◎私達の仕事=世界一家の地上天国を作ること [Our job = creating a heaven on earth for the world’s family]
First of all, please chant “Ajimarikan” and welcome God to the wonderful temple of God called your body. You yourself are the best shrine. From now on, people all over Japan and all over the world will eventually become the shrine of God by “Ajimarikan”. The shrine of the god is an irreplaceable existence connected to the supreme god = Daigenrei = Divine ancestors = Zouka-sanshin.
World peace cannot be achieved without rebuilding the roots of human existence. “Ajimarikan” purifies the history of all peoples and nations. Melt all the “love and hate” and lead all mankind to the true God. By “Ajimarikan”, human beings can reach their divine ancestors.
◎「あじまりかん現象」=大元霊の降臨 [“Ajimarikan Phenomenon” = Advent of the Daigenrei ]
Once you chant “Ajimarikan”, the spirit of root will descend. Reciting “Ajimarikan” is an extremely easy task, but the act has the overwhelming result of “a direct experience of the Supreme God“. Everyone who chanted can be seen as the Daigenrei (the only parent of the soul). (Reference: This is the figure of the Daigenrei!)
Let’s call this the “Ajimarikan phenomenon“. It is the “Ajimarikan phenomenon” that brings the “world’s family’s heaven on earth” to the earth. The “Ajimarikan phenomenon” is God’s promise, and since God fulfills that promise, it will be possible for humankind to unite and create a heaven on earth for the world’s family.
◎「あじまりかん友の会」とは [What is Ajimarikan Fellowship]
Both individuals and humans can be happy (through a certain process) simply by chanting “Ajimarikan”. Until now, there has never been such an easy way to make humans happy. To be precise, Saito realized for the first time the ultimate value of “chanting Ajimarikan”.
When humans chant “Ajimarikan”, the “Ajimarikan phenomenon” always occurs. The word “Ajimarikan” itself is accompanied by the entity of God. It is an unchanging truth that God descends when you chant “Ajimarikan”.
Why can we say that it is an invariant truth?
It is based on the truth of human existence that human beings are God’s dividing spirits. Whenever a human being separated from God recites “Ajimarikan”, the god (Daigenrei) manifests itself. It is very easy for humans to be seen by God.
The spiral (= swirl) that appears in the “Figure of the Great Kami Spell Ajimarikan” in Yamakage Shinto represents the wave energy of the Daigenrei. “Amatsu uzuuzushi yatsunagi no kamumusubi” is a connection between a human being who chants “Ajimarikan” and the Daigenrei (= Amatsu uzuuzushi yatsunagi no kami). In other words, it means becoming one.

Now that I have realized the tremendous value of “chanting Ajimarikan”, it is natural that I want to convey it to many people. If Saito just chanting “Ajimarikan” and staying still, nothing good will happen. Action is inevitably born from the above recognition obtained as a result of chanting “Ajimarikan”.
“Ajimarikan is amazing!”
“Anyway, chanting Ajimarikan”
Needed a person who shouts out. The first “Ajimarikan ascetic” called Saito was born, and I began to shout “Let’s chant Ajimarikan”. It’s not strange to call myself a “Ajimari ascetic”. When I honestly expressed my essence, it naturally became the word “Ajimarikan”.
There might be many people who were aware of the same thing as me, but no one has clearly declared that “God (Daigenrei) will come down when I chant “Ajimarikan”. As a result of chanting “Ajimarikan” thoroughly, I was able to clearly recognize the above facts, so I started to tell it.
There are people who have read my book and have already begun to tell the second, third, and so on. In addition, the number of people who heard the report and started chanting “Ajimarikan” and those who started learning “Ajimarikan way” increased.
“Ajimarikan Fellowship” was created as a place to share information for people who are interested in “Ajimarikan”. Anyone who is interested in “Ajimarikan” can participate. Please come to the “Ajimarikan Fellowship”.
2017年10月吉日 斎藤 敏一、拝
Lucky day in October 2017, Toshikazu Sato, Thanks.