「あじまりかん」とは何か/斎藤 敏一
What is ”Ajimarikan” ? / Toshikazu Saito
「アジマリカン」は大和建国(*1 皇室発祥)時より日本に伝わる大神呪(だいじんじゅ)と呼ばれる歴史的な言霊(ことたま)で、 *2 山蔭(やまかげ)神道によって伝承され、戦後万人のために公開されました。
“Ajimarikan” called “The Great Spell of Kami” is historical Kototama(=soul of Japanese), which was handed down by *2 Yamakage-shinto from the time of Yamato founding of the country (*1 the Imperial Family origin) in Japan, was released for all people after the war .
「アジマリカン」とは、日本神話に登場する *3 造化三神(ぞうかさんしん)の *4 産霊(むすび)のお働きがそのまま顕(あらわ)れた言葉です。山蔭神道では造化三神を大元霊(だいげんれい)、大元尊神(だいげんそんしん)などとお呼びしますが、もう一つの神名「天津渦々志八津奈芸天祖大神(あまつうずうずしやつなぎあめのみおやのおおかみ)」に、「アジマリカン」のお働きが示されています。
“Ajimarikan” is the word revealing *4 the binding action of the three Kami of creation coming up in a Japanese myth. We call *3 the three Kami of creation Dai-gen-rei, Dai-gen-son-sin in Yamakage shinto, but action of “Ajimarikan” is shown in another name of a god “Ohkami of Heavenly Swirling and connecting a lot”.
“Ajimarikan” is Kototama appearing the three Kami of creation eddying and creating space, and the power of the space creator is exercised unconditionally. When we advocate “Ajimarikan”, Kami of the root who created space is descended as substance.
「アジマリカン」の一声で、人は一瞬にして神となります。そして、人はその瞬間から神として生きてゆくことになるのです。誰もが「アジマリカン」を唱えることで神を直接体験し、神化し、永遠の生命を得ることができます。「アジマリカン」は、全人類が丸ごと「みろくの世」に渡ってゆくために、宇宙創造神がこの日本国に *5 予め降(くだ)し置かれた奇跡の神宝なのです。
With the word “Ajimarikan”, a human become Kami in a blink of an eye. And the human turn to live as Kami. By chanting “Ajimarikan”, everyone gets direct experience of Kami, is deified, and is able to acquire eternal life. “Ajimarikan” is the miracle treasure of Kami which has been settled in Japan *5 in ancient era, for all mankind to pass over in “Miroku world”,
*1 皇室の発祥とは斎藤による「初代天皇=応神天皇説」、すなわち、武内宿禰(アメノヒボコ)と神功皇后(邪馬台国二代目女王トヨ)の間に生まれた応神天皇(蘇我系)こそが初代天皇であるという認識に基づいています。また、神武天皇は八世紀に日本書紀編纂時に創作された天皇ですから、実在性を疑わなければなりません。神武東征などという出来事はなかったのです(何らかの史実が反映されていることは否定しません)が、応神は武内宿禰と一緒に日向を発って大和入りしています。
*1 The Emperor Oujin (Soga clan) born among “The first Emperor is Oujin theory” by Saito namely Takenouchi -no-sukune (Ame-no-Hiboko) and the Empresses Jinguu (queendom of Queen Himiko of the third century second generation Queen Toyo) is based on recognition to be Emperor first generation with the origin of the Imperial Family. In addition, you must doubt existence because the Emperor Jinmu is the Emperor created at the time of the Chronicles of Japan editing in the eighth century. Emperor Oujin has left Hyuga and arrived at Yamato with Takeuchi -no-sukune, and, as for the event called Emperor Jinmu’s expedition has not occurred (I do not deny that some kind of historical facts are reflected) .
The Emperor Sujin (Nigihayahi-no-mikoto, Mononobe clan) has held power as the great king, but has been cursed by the reason that he betrayed the couple Takenouti-no-sukune and the Empress Jinguu. To avoid risks of the curse, he has called in the Emperor Oujin in Yamato, and has let him no real power king doing religious service . Ohtataneko, the child of Ohmono-nushi was the Emperor Oujin. Because no one except the Emperor Oujin (= Ohtataneko) who has been sat on the throne could tranquilized the curse of Ohmono-nushi.
It becomes the right recognition of the Imperial Family origin that the current Imperial Family assumes the Emperor Oujin a forefather. The Emperor Sujin became a great king of the Yamato earlier, but is branching off for Imperial lineage. The imperial descendant following with Ame-no-hiboko and Toyo and prince Oujin who held “Ajimarikan”, and Soga origin which continued from Oujin is legitimate of the imperial family.
*2 山蔭神道は応神天皇の御世(みよ)に天皇行法(「自霊拝」・「あじまりかん」という二種類の行法)の司(つかさ)として発祥した古神道の教派(宗教法人)です。
*2 Yamakage-shinto is the old Shinto sect (=religious corporation) which has been originated as government office to hold shinto mystical training for Emperors known as Jirei-hai and Ajimarikan.
*3 造化三神とは、古事記に登場する天之御中主神(あめのみなかぬしのかみ)、高御産巣日神(たかみむすびのかみ)、神産巣日神(かみむすびのかみ)の三神を一体として捉えた呼称で、宇宙創造神の結びのお働きを表しています。
*3 The three Kami of creation is the generic name of three root invisible Kami-s who are Ame-no-minakanushi-no-kami, Takamimusubi-no-kami, Kamimusubi-no-kami. They represent musubi (=connection) power of the universe creator.
*4 古くは〈むすひ〉といい、万物を生み成長させる神秘で霊妙な力のこと。(世界大百科事典より)
*4 In old way of speaking, it is said “Musuhi”, which is the mystical power to create and grow all things. (from Heibonsha World Encyclopedia)
*5 “in ancient era” means that in 270 A.D., Ajimarikan has been passed over from Takenouchi-no-sukune to his prince Oujin. Takenouchi-no-sukune is the another name of Ame-no-hiboko, and he has been received Ajimarikan as incarnation of Sun god from the universe creator, and he has passed over Ajimarikan to Emperor Oujin. The preceding story is assumed. The theory “the original founder of the Emperor was Ame-no-hiboko and he was original Amaterasu-ohmikami”, which is put forward by Saito.