◆「アジマリカン」の最大の秘密=イスラエルとは [The biggest secret of “Ajimarikan” = What is Israel? ]
Behind Dr. Sato’s attempt to interpret “Ajimarikan” in Hebrew was the greatest secret of Ajimarikan, the “spirit of Israel”. Unfortunately, the doctor’s interpretation was wrong, “the chief priest who bears the sins of the world”, but he was in the right direction. Let’s briefly explain its meaning.
When I started writing a work called “The Secret of a Wheel” (published as “The Advent of Ajimarikan”) a few years ago, I had a mystical experience related to Israel. The experience was named “Israel Experience”, and as the name suggests, a historical wind blew from Israel. Why I felt “historical” was a mystery when I experienced it. Anyway, the entity (= spirit) of “History of Israel” became a wind and blew into my spiritual body. I felt that way.
About two years after that “Israel experience,” it seemed to be related to Jacob’s “fighting and winning the God” story of the Old Testament era. That interpretation of his own spiritual experience was related to the dreams I had when I was young. In that dream, I myself was wrestling with a non-god alien. The alien in the dream wore an Ultraman-style bodysuit and was known not to be an Earthling.
I wrestled with an alien for a long time, but I woke up with a dream without winning or losing. When I woke up, my mood was, “I wrestled with an alien, but I don’t feel like I lost.” When I recall it now, I think that I had a dream that was quite crazy, and at that time I had no knowledge of the Old Testament, so it was in an uninterpretable state.
Now that I have some knowledge of the Old Testament, I can associate it with the spiritual entity that I felt as “the history of Israel” was the spirit of Jacob. Because I know that Jacob’s alias is Israel.
At that time, I was very interested in the issue of “the disappeared ten tribes of Israel”, and vaguely imagined that “they Israelites might have come to ancient Japan”. The imagination was just a belief at first, but various books on “The Ten Lost Tribes of Israel” have been published, and by reading those works randomly, the situation gradually swallowed up. The legend that the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel have arrived in the Japanese archipelago is now about to turn into a default fact.
The following is a “Jewish haniwa”, but there are still haniwa that look like ancient Jews. Isn’t this a good sample that “after all it was so when I was told”. It is clear that the two haniwa in the image on this page are not a copy of the genuine Japanese archipelago humans. It is more likely that they are the ancient Jewish people who later became known as the Hata clan. “Jewish Haniwa” is an expression of first-come-first-served basis. I think Mr. Hidemichi Tanaka, who said at the beginning, was great (Supplement: Mr. Tanaka’s view of ancient Japanese history is biased as “everything came from the eastern country in Japan”, so I would like to say that it cannot be adopted. I think the one by the writer Yuji Seki is the closest to the correct answer).

At the same time, I read only the touch of the Old Testament and understood the meaning of my “dream of sumo wrestling with aliens”. The meaning of the dream is as follows.
“I (= Saito) lived as Jacob in the Old Testament and won the name of Israel from the aliens because he did not lose by actually sumo wrestling with the aliens.”
In addition, I have come to understand the meaning of the spiritual wind that I thought was “History of Israel.” This means that “the spirit of Jacob=Israel has blown into the Japanese archipelago”. Since Jacob carries the history of Israel, it was felt as a historical entity. But why did the spirit of Jacob=Israel have to come to the Japanese archipelago?
【外なるイスラエルと内なるイスラエル [Outer Israel and Inner Israel]】
ヤコブ=イスラエルには巨大な秘密があって、その秘密を一身に担っていたのが他ならぬ斎藤という人間だった。この話は拙著『日本建国の秘密 ヤコブ編』のメインテーマなのだ。実を言えば私・斎藤が旧約聖書のヤコブだったという話なのである。こういう話は出版界のタブーだと聞いたことがある。私から言わせれば、そういうタブーなどクソ喰らえである。
Jacob = Israel had a huge secret, and it was none other than Saito who was responsible for that secret. This story is the main theme of my book, “The Secret of the Founding of Japan, Jacob Edition”. To tell the truth, it is a story that I, Saito, was Jacob of the Old Testament. I’ve heard that these stories are taboo in the publishing world. From my point of view, such taboos are shit.
Jacob (= I) is the person who led the ten tribes of Israel to the Japanese archipelago. I spiritually led the main tribes of Israel and brought them to the Japanese archipelago in the Far East. There is no physical evidence or literature evidence, but if true, it would be a very interesting story. However, this story is not just self-praise. It is consistent as a story, and there are many elements that make us think so.
There is no god in present-day Israel. Since the god of Israel has moved to the Japanese archipelago with Jacob, Israel in the Middle East is like a vacant shell in the eyes of God. There is nothing good left there, so we can’t handle it. All that remains is grudges and the seeds of conflicts.
In the first place, the substance of Israel has blended into the Japanese archipelago and has become Japan’s inner Israel. The characteristic of Israel inside is “direction toward God”, and it came to fruition in the form of the existence of the Emperor when Japan was founded. Since Japan is now true Israel, the people of the Bible should return to true Israel = Japan, not to outer Israel in the Middle East.
拙著『アジマリカンの降臨』と『日本建国の秘密 ヤコブ編』を読めば、イスラエルの真実が分かるだろう。今やイスラエルとは日本のことなのである。
You can find out the truth about Israel by reading my books, “The Advent of Ajimarikan” and “The Secret of the Founding of Japan, Jacob Edition”. Israel is now Japan.
◆アジマリカンが天降った人・時・所 [The person, time, and place where Ajimarikan descended from heaven]
I read Dr. Sato’s “What kind of country is Japan?”, and thought, “If you don’t chant the word Ajimarikan, nothing will start”. That’s why I immediately thought of “Ajimarikan”. Then Kami really came down. From there, my writing activity, which started after the 60th birthday, was decided to focus on “Ajimarikan”.
In this way, my public activities started from the ardent with of “Ajimarikan”, and nothing else. The central content I am trying to convey is that “If you chant Ajimarikan, you will become a god”, and the origin of all activities such as writing, and lectures is “Ajimarikan”.
I recently published a set of two books called “The Secret of the Founding of Japan”. This is due to the fact that the word “Ajimarikan” is a kototama closely related to the founding of Japan. In other words, if the event of the founding of Japan is clarified, the result is that the “human time place” where the word “Ajimarikan” (= the god of the end) was born is identified. The man-hours are as follows.
Human: Amenohiboko (also known as Tsunuga-arashito, Takenouchi-no-sukune, Tarashihiko, Sumiyoshi-no-okami, etc., clearly from Yuji Seki’s view of history)
Time: Immediately before the founding of Japan (around 200 AD)
Place: Tsuruga (= Kehi jingu Shrine, which was called Kehi no ura at that time)
For the first time in history, the final Kami(= God) appeared in the land of Kehi Jingu Shrine. The kami who works with the sound of “Ajimarikan” was the “final Kami (= God)”.
◆イスラエルではなく日本こそが中心 [Japan is the center, not Israel ]
The event of the founding of Japan is the manifestation of the final Kami (= God) “Ajimarikan”. What I would like you to pay particular attention to is the fact that “Japan, not Israel (= Jewish)”. In the first place, Jacob=Israel flowed into Japan as a spiritual entity. One spiritual entity has been reborn as Jacob, Amenohiboko, and me (Please read my previous lives if anyone can). Israel merged with Jomon Japan when Japan was founded. Expressed in a formula, it is “Japanese archipelago (Jomon civilization) + Israel = Japan”.
現時点ではそういうことは証明不可能だが、物語としての筋は通っている。拙著『日本建国の秘密 ヤコブ編』とは、そういう物語なのだ。私の「イスラエル体験」には、霊の生まれ変わり(=輪廻転生)という背景があったのである(普通に考えればかなり危ない話なのだが、当たり前の出来事のように語っている)。
That’s unprovable at this point, but it makes sense as a story. My book, “The Secret of the Founding of Japan, Jacob Edition” is such a story. My “Israel experience” had a background of spiritual reincarnation (although it is a rather questionable story if you think about it normally, it is said as a matter of course).
Why did Jacob (= Israel) need to be reborn in the Far East?
これは聖書の神を否定するためである。ユダヤ教、キリスト教、イスラム教の聖地はエルサレムに存在するが、実は、その地は聖地などではないのだ。宗教どうし、民族どうしが果てしない争いを続けているエルサレムを聖地と呼ぶのは当事者の自由である。だが、私から見れば、現在のエルサレムは最悪の地(The Worst Place)でしかない。本当の聖地は日本にあるのだ。これは、斎藤以外の誰からも認識されていない事実なのだが、本当の聖地とは敦賀市氣比神宮の土公なのだ。氣比神宮の土公は聖地=地球の中心なのである。
This is to deny the Bible God. The sacred sites of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam exist in Jerusalem, but in reality they are not sacred sites. It is up to the parties to call Jerusalem a sacred place, where religions and ethnic groups continue to fight endlessly, but from my point of view, Jerusalem today is only the worst place. The true sanctuary is in Japan. This is a fact that is not recognized by anyone except Saito, but the true sacred place is the Doko at Kehi Jingu Shrine, Tsuruga City. Doko at Kehi Jingu Shrine is a sacred place = the center of the earth.
The homepage of Kehi Jingu Shrine explains Doko as follows.。
土公(どこう) [Doko]
The entire area of Kehi Jingu Shrine is 11,253 tsubo (=37,200㎡). The “Doko” that remains in the northeastern part of the Jingu in the direction of Tezutsu Yama Mt., when the shrine house was built, the legend and mysterious description of the spirits (the meaning unknown) is believed to be “If you sprinkle this earth and sand on the ground, there is no curse of the evil kami”. Many forms of rituals in the old days are called himorogi iwasaka, rituals in the mountain centered on large rocks, and rituals in the forest centered on large trees. The rituals were held without damaging the shape of nature.
Due to the influence of Buddhist temple architecture by introduction of Buddhism, it changed from the Nara period to building a modern shrine and performing rituals. It is said that the Jingu Shrine dates back to the era for more than 2,000 years, and initially enshrined the deities in the present “Doko” place, but in the 2nd year of Taiho (702), the kamis (=gods) related to the imperial court were enshrined and the shrine as it is today. The origin of the shrine was erected and a ritual was held. Even after the construction of the shrine, it was well protected as the ancient ground of the shrine. And Saicho, the famous priest of the Heian period, and Kobo Daishi Kukai prayed to our kami(= god) to seek Dharma (= the teachings of Buddhism), in front of this Doko, 7 days and 7 nights. It is reported that they have done big prayers and austerities.
In the above quote, “Kehi Okami” is Tsunuga-arashito (commonly known as Amenohiboko) the person himself who did the Doko ritual. The Kototama of “Ajimarikan” fell on Tsunuga-arashito in the land of Doko. Kehi Jingu Shrine Doko should be honored as the place where Japan was founded, and the kototama of “Ajimarikan” fell on that place. It may be said that there is too much intuition, but this perception is my intuition and cannot be moved.
The next issue is the relationship between the founding of Japan and world history. By thinking back from the present time, we can see for the first time the position that Japan’s founding occupies in world history.
Why do we have to look from the founding of Japan to world history? There are clear reasons for this:
大神呪「アジマリカン」=「とどめの神」は、地球世界全体を救うコトタマだからだ。「『アジマリカン』は『とどめの神』のコトタマ」だという仮説から、私論は始まっている。だから、世界史も考慮に入れなければならないのである。とどめの神は大神呪「アジマリカン」の響きに乗ってお働きになる。大本の出口王仁三郎師は『霊界物語』の「第三五章 一輪の秘密」で、「いずれも世界の終末に際し、世界改造のため大神の御使用になるのである。しかして之を使用さるる御神業がすなはち一輪の秘密である」と語る。大神とは国常立尊(=地球神)を意味している。「珍の御宝」が一体どういうものなのかはよく分からないし、神宝は三個存在するようである。そのうちのひとつが大神呪「アジマリカン」であると先ずは考えた。
This is because the great Kami’s spell “Ajimarikan” = “the final Kami (= God)” is a kototama that saves the entire earth. My theory begins with the hypothesis that “Ajimarikan” is the kototama of “the final Kami (= God)”. Therefore, world history must also be taken into consideration. The final Kami (= God) works by riding the sound of the great Kami’s spell “Ajimarikan”. Onisaburo Deguchi of Omoto wrote in “Chapter 35: The Secret of a Wheel” in “The Story of the Spiritual World”, “I saw a rare treasure (Uzu-no-mitakara) used by Okami to remodel the world at the end of the world. The secret of the gods who use it is the secret of one wheel. Okami means “Kunitokotachi-no-mikoto (= earth god). I’m not sure what the “Uzu-no-mitakara” is, and it seems that there are three sacred treasures. First of all, I thought that one of them was the great Kami’s spell “Ajimarikan”.
Recall that the energy field at the time of the Ajimarikan chanting had a positive and negative vortex winding. In other words, Uzu-no-mitakara is a vortex treasure. The world is remodeled by the swirling energy of Ajimarikan. As a matter of fact, I reconsidered that the only Uzu-no-mitakara was the great Kami’s spell “Ajimarikan”. This is because “Ajimarikan” has a purifying function and a creative function, is almighty. This is because it is thought that all the energy required for world remodeling will be expressed by the great Kami’s spell “Ajimarikan”.
Next, let us consider what kind of world will be brought about as a result of world remodeling.
◆世界史上の日本建国の意味 [Meaning of the founding of Japan in world history]
From the hypothesis that “‘Ajimarikan’ is the final Kami”, the meaning of the founding of Japan in world history becomes clear.
From this hypothesis, it can be derived that Japan is the kingdom of Kami (= God) and the center of the world. This is because “Ajimarikan = the final Kami = the highest Kami = the central Kami”. Since Japan is the country where the central kami descended, the recognition that Japan is the central country of the world is naturally derived. This is not a play of logic, but a fact of the world of Kami.

Japan, where the great Kami’s spell “Ajimarikan” has descended, is the country of the highest kami. Since the final Kami cannot be seen, it is only necessary to follow intuition to determine whether the final Kami is the center. Japan, the country of the highest Kami, cannot be a neighboring country. When the center appears in shape, the island nation of the Japanese archipelago becomes that country. The previous figure shows the Japanese archipelago as a model of the world, but the first person to notice (The editor of the Takenouchi document seems to be the first, but the details are unknown) is great. Anyway, my intuition is that the earth is designed that way (again, the “intuition” that came out).
The Supreme Kami is Kami that pervades the universe, so it exists everywhere. However, if the Supreme Kami takes the form of a country, there is no choice but to become a concrete place (= country). It means that the country is Japan. The proposition “Japan is the center of the world” cannot be understood just by looking at the world map. Speaking sensuously, it’s hard to understand why Japan is the center of the world. However, spiritually, Japan is designed as the center of the world. The meaning of “from a spiritual point of view” is that the planet Earth also has a design philosophy regarding the arrangement of countries. This design philosophy exists in the world of Kami and is recognized by intuition.
The word “design philosophy” is an expression because I am a system engineer. As you can see from the sound analysis results of the great Kami’s spell “Ajimarikan”, the great designer = the invisible kami designed Japan, Japanese, “Ajimarikan”, and the whole earth. As I study the event of the founding of Japan, the feeling that it was guided by the invisible hand of Kami becomes stronger day by day. The more I think about it, the more I realize that Japan is the country that originated as the center of the global world.
The vortex treasure “Ajimarikan” is a sacred treasure that fell when Japan was founded. The fact that Okami remodels the world using the vortex treasure means that one emperor (= world emperor) in Japan, the center of the world, can rule the whole earth. This is also my intuition. The goal of the mechanism of Ichirin (= One bit) is to appear as a result of “the whole earth becomes Japan”.
This is the only way to do it. Eventually, it is obvious that humankind will seek such a world. Peace will not be brought to the world unless the world is ruled roundly by one Emperor = the world Emperor. This is an extremely simple future map of humankind, but I think humankind has gained enough experience to understand such simple things. The mechanism of Ichirin(=One bit) is a story of human beings learning something from a conflict-filled history, rethinking that “everyone is a neighbor, so let’s get along” and actually get along. My idea is that the ultimate weapon for that purpose is the great Kami’s spell “Ajimarikan”.
It will take some time before humankind as a whole really wants to get along with each other. Meanwhile, the vortex treasure “Ajimarikan” continues to purify the world.