◆システムエンジニアが捉える神とは [What is Kami as a system engineer? ]
From the above-mentioned “Comparison of ‘Ajimarikan’ and ‘Tohokamiemitame'” and “Meaning of the founding of Japan in the history of the world”, I assumed that there might be a designer who designed this world. This is just an estimation of the conclusion based on analogy. However, without such an assumption, it is difficult to depict what the global world we live in should be.
私がここで焦点を合わせようとしているのは、「地球世界には中心が存在する」という命題だ。ヒストリー・チャンネルで放映中の『古代の宇宙人』シリーズは、非常に面白い番組で、毎回欠かさず見ている。同番組は歴史以前の古代からの「人類文明のあり方」を教えてくれているからである。同番組の原題は「Ancient Aliens」で、主たるコンセプトは「古代に宇宙人が地球を訪れて人類文明の発展を導いた」というものだ。
What I am trying to focus on here is the proposition that “there is a center in the earth world”. The “Ancient Aliens” series, which is airing on the History Channel, is a very interesting program that I watch every time. This is because the program teaches us “the ideal way of human civilization” from ancient times before history. The main concept of the program is that “aliens visited the earth in ancient times and led the development of human civilization.”
Produced in a documentary style by Prometheus Entertainment, the show advocates the theory of ancient astronauts, and historical sources, archeology, and legends include evidence of human contact with extraterrestrial intelligent life in the past. (From Wikipedia).
There is a big problem with the ancient astronaut theory. The big problem is the existence of “gods” that appear in the program. The program producer implicitly calls it “ancient astronauts = gods”. The “existence of gods” implicitly included in the idea that “ancient astronauts were recorded as gods” is a big problem. To put it more simply, calling these ancient astronauts “gods” is a source of error.

Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, the main host of the program, often said in the program that “ancient humans misunderstood ancient astronauts as gods and their developed technology as miracles”, is talking about. I agree with Mr. Tsoukalos’s theory, but in order to understand his theory correctly, it is necessary to clarify the meaning of the words “God” and “gods” used by him.
The problem is how to use the word “God”. The word “God” used in the program means “God, omniscient and omnipotent” in Christendom. That’s the problem. Ancient aliens are human beings, not gods. Therefore, the word “God” should not be used carelessly. Ancient human beings misunderstood the power of science and technology that they possessed as “the power of God”, and misunderstood those who wielded such power as God. That is the God of the Old Testament. Do not call them “gods” about the ancient aliens. We should always call it an “alien”.
When I watch the program “Ancient Aliens”, I always think of the fact that “the origin of Western civilization came from these aliens”. The Western civilization they brought is of extremely poor quality. In short, Western civilization is based on the ideas of “divisional rule”, “materialism”, and “rule by money”, and has reached its limits. What they did is extremely poor. The earth is not pleased with their rule at all. The rich peoples become gods and uses the earth without permission. Mr. Tsoukalos is completely unaware (or pretending to be unaware) of that. He also came to Japan to cover the program, but he has never learned that Japanese civilization is the opposite of Western civilization. He seems no doubt about Western civilization.
God or gods of the Bible, old and new, are nothing more than aliens or gods of ideas. Also, Christianity with Jesus alone as a god will disappear sooner or later. Anyway, the person named Jesus is an unnatural man from the beginning to the end, and he is nothing more than a created existence regardless of his self-realization state.
Kami (= God) I feel most sacred (to be exact, “the manifestation of Kami”) is the great Kami’s spell “Ajimarikan”. The Kami “Ajimarikan” is a cosmos-like Kototama that envelops everything. It does not resemble the gods that appear in “Ancient Aliens”, it is completely different from the Christian God, it is the real Kami far from the person named Jesus who acted himself as God.
In Ko-Shinto, there is a way of recognizing the kami as “One kami Immediately many kamis, many kamis Immediately one kami”. This is very different from the Western way of god recognition, and Mr. Tsoukalos, the host of “Ancient Aliens”, does not know at all. It seems that Westerners cannot understand the idea that eight hundred thousand kamis also originate from one kami. This makes Shinto difficult to understand, but we Japanese can understand it sensuously, so we don’t need much explanation. This is because the feeling of “One kami Immediately many kamis, many kamis Immediately one kami” is natural. The Japanese way of recognizing Kami is the basis of world peace.
◆個人の「アジマリカン」が爆発的にヒットしたこと [The explosive hit of the individual “Ajimarikan”]
Two of my books were published in the first year (2017), “The Law of Ajimarikan” and “The Advent of Ajimarikan”. Both were published with a time lag, but the first one was ” The Law of Ajimarikan”. However, the actual virgin work was “The Advent of Ajimarikan”.
Speaking of how the readers responded, “The Law of Ajimarikan” was overwhelmingly popular, and it maintained its best-selling position on Amazon for nine weeks. I who wrote it was surprised at this, because the readers received it very well.
Various success factors overlapped, such as the publisher making a lot of publicity, producing lectures, and many people participating in the “Ajimarikan course” held in various places starting from Matsuyama. It seems to have produced good results. It can be evaluated that it was a success with the voluntary cooperation of mobilized people.
The excitement at that time was honestly reflected in the number of emails addressed to me. When I read back those emails now, I deepen the feeling that the excitement at that time was unusual. There were so many e-mails that I was deeply moved, saying, “It was amazing.”
If the name was to force the excitement of the “Ajimarikan” boom at that time, it was “individual Ajimarikan”. In other words, for many who participated, “Ajimarikan” was a kind of suddenly popular god, and it was actually wonder working. It was very interesting because the results came back to me immediately. That’s why it was exciting.
However, the epidemic “Ajimarikan” will become quieter when the epidemic goes away. The epidemic did not last forever. How did my feelings at that time change?
I was happy and grateful that many people participated in the “Ajimarikan”. However, on the other hand, there was a feeling that “there is something else I really want to say”. At the same time, I had a strong premonition that they would not understand what I really wanted to say.
◆本当は「公のアジマリカン」を伝えたかった [I really wanted to convey “public Ajimarikan”]
Sure enough, the virgin work “The Advent of Ajimarikan”, which I wanted to sell, did not grow as much as “The Low of Ajimarikan”. I was good at making things, but I was not good at sales. Partly because of that, the results were not as expected. Even if I say, “A samurai pretends he has eaten well when he has no food”, it’s lonely that I can’t sell.
In “The Advent of Ajimarikan”, I talked about “public Ajimarikan”, and in “The Law of Ajimarikan”, I told about “individual Ajimarikan”. In this way, both works are opposite.
The subtitle of the former is “The secret of one wheel has been completely clarified!”, And the subtitle of the latter is “The wish will come true just by chanting”. The theme of the former was “public Ajimarikan” and the theme of the latter was “individual Ajimarikan”.
To tell you the truth at that time, I wasn’t very interested in “Ajimarikan” which makes your wish come true just by chanting, and I didn’t want to write such a book if possible. But the publisher strongly suggested writing it. This is because it was clear that the demand for “individual Ajimarikan'” was higher. Certainly, the first published book “The Law of Ajimarikan” was a hit for this kind of book (sold exclusively by Amazon).
As a result of writing a hit book, various events were successful and well received, but I was not satisfied. I had a strong feeling that “this is not what I really wanted to do.” The situation where I have to write a “book that sells” against my own feelings is not fun. I thought I shouldn’t stay in that state.
Because the message I really wanted to convey was “public Ajimarikan” from the beginning. “The secret of one wheel” is the “final Kami’s governing”, which is also called “the mechanism of Ichirin(=One bit)” in religions such as Omoto. This is because Japan will not be improved and the world will not change with “individual Ajimarikan” alone.
No matter how much you chant “Ajimarikan” for yourself, it won’t improve beyond the small world in which you live. That’s why “just chanting will make your wish come true” is for personal use.
It is necessary to inject God into the Japanese level and the world level by practicing the public “Ajimarikan” called “the mechanism of Ichirin(=One bit)”.
Specifically, politicians, top-level bureaucrats, and His Majesty the Emperor, who are deeply involved in the work of the nation, need to carry out the “Ajimarikan”. That’s what the “public Ajimarikan” is.
Note: His Majesty the Emperor (His Highness Naruhito during the time of the Crown Prince) has a deity and is made to be the spirit of the World Emperor. From the beginning, His Majesty the Emperor is the “Ajimarikan” (= kami) himself. Only a handful of people know this fact.
However, the conventional approach is not enough to put such “public Ajimarikan” into practice. This is because it is necessary to convey the practice method and spirit of “Ajimarikan” to the appropriate people at the national and world levels.
◆「公のアジマリカン」を普及するための最善の方法とは [What is the best way to popularize “public Ajimarikan”? ]
“Public Ajimarikan” is a “Ajimarikan” to make the nation and the earth into the world of Kami. In order to put it into practice, it is necessary to devise a bit of contrivance or more.
In a nutshell, “The mechanism of Ichirin(=One bit)” is “injecting Kami into humans and nations”. Eventually, Kami will be injected into all the countries of the world, but the first target to be injected is our country, Japan.
既に書いた通り、日本は「とどめの神の国」であるから、その事実に日本人が気付けばよいだけのことだ。拙著『日本建国の秘密 ヒボコ編/ヤコブ編』で私が訴えたかった結論とは、日本が世界の中心の神の国であることを日本人が気付くことだったのだ。
As I have already written, Japan is a “land of the final Kami”, so all that the Japanese need to be aware of is that fact. The conclusion I wanted to appeal to in my book, “The Secret of the Founding of Japan, Hiboko Edition/ Jacob Edition” was that the Japanese realize that Japan was the center of the world.
From the beginning, Japan has been organized as the kingdom of Kami in the center of the world. To clarify that fact, the history of Japan’s founding must be confirmed. This is the above-mentioned book for that purpose. This recognition of mine was brought about as a result of repeated thoughts while continuing to live my life that actually continued to chant the great Kami’s spell “Ajimarikan”.
Like the word, the great Kami’s spell “Ajimarikan”, there is the Designer in this world. This means that there is the Designer of Japan nation as well. This designer is tentatively called “Kami” here. This assumption is subject to proof and has not been (will be) proved at this time.
In me, the following equation stands up.
Here, “Comma” is “Ichirin = Kami”. If you put Kami, which is a grain of one bit, into a person, you become a “kami man”. “The mechanism of Ichirin” is a very simple story. This equation was borrowed from Hitsuki-shinji, but I think this is all that Hitsuki-shinji speaks of. But the point is what is “Comma”. How can we input “Comma = Kami” to people and nations?
My belief is that “human beings are originally kamis”, so I think that the word “Ajimarikan” is Comma. In the idea of “one spirit and four souls” of Ko-Shinto, it is said that at the center of four souls (= Ara-mitama, Nigi-mitama, Kushi-mitama, Saki-mitama) one spirit = Naohi (= direct spirit) exists. Then, it becomes the idea that this Naohi is the core of human beings = the kami.
Recently, I suddenly thought that “Ajimarikan” is Naohi (= the direct spirit). The direct spirit is the “original face (= dignity)” which is the core of human beings, in Zen. I think that is the substance of Kotoba (= Logos) called the great Kami’s spell “Ajimarikan”.
What I have learned so far. That is, there is no way to confirm it unless each person recites (or prays) “Ajimarikan”. The story will be easier if “measuring instruments that measure Kami” appear in the future, but for now, the only way is for each individual to chant or think about “Ajimarikan” and recognize Kami directly.
No matter how hard I speak, no logical proof is possible. There is no physical or literature evidence. Moreover, the hypothesis that “Japan was designed from the beginning as the nation of Kami at the center of the world” cannot be proved. There is no way but to know instinctively.