◆「アジマリカン」と出会った頃の私的事情 [My private condition of encountering “Ajimarikan”]
When I became 60 years old, I retired from a registered software company so far and became free. The work of the software development was just continued even if I became free. But a problem of the age became slightly big. I took the sense that own skill did not become dull “to be able to do this still more”.
The software industry does not seem to have the idea to continue employing the programmer who passed the sixtieth birthday and came to get a pension. In the software industry of the United States, there seems to be a place of the achievement of the old programmer, but the experience level of the programmer is not considered at all in the Japanese industry. It seems that the software company does not adopt system engineer of retirement age. This is bad custom of the software development industry of Japan.
A retirement age was announced and expected that a situation like today came to some extent when I became free. There was just such an opportunity to sometimes read “What kind of country is Japan?” (Teikichi Sato, Tama shuppan, 1979). Probably the book which I purchased in school days lied in the garret for a long term without being read but was finally recognized by me. I read the work and remembered that I knew the word “Ajimarikan” from school days. A friend at the time advocated “Ajimarikan”, remembered up to the tune of it. I came to pray for “Ajimarikan” promptly, and became an “Ajimarikan ascetic” praying “Ajimarikan” on the site of the software development.
In the first place, I was in condition to be absorbed in religions search, I liked Kami things all the time from around 20 generations for school days. But, after I became a member of society, I went away from Kami things (For details, see my book “The Advent of Ajimarikan”). This is because the interest for what’s called established religion faded away at an early stage. Most of the Kami(= religion)-related books had been disposed, and it was in one of the pleasure that there were few that I read books about history (the Japanese ancient history in particular) mainly.
◆神=「アジマリカン」で私に飛び込んできたモノ [Kami = the entity jumped in me with “Ajimarikan”]
大神呪「アジマリカン」と出会った私は、その当初から日々「アジマリカン」を念ずる生活に入っていた。「アジマリカン」をえて最初に驚いたのは、今まで感じたことのない霊的な波動が、「アジマリカン」の音に乗って私の身体に入ってきたことである。その時、「何だこれは! これが神というものか……」と思っていた。それまでは、神を念じたり、心の中の神に向かって祈ったりするようなことはあっても、「アジマリカン」を念じた時のような神の波動は感じたことがなかった。だから、神の波動が自分のにサッと入ってきた時には、大いに驚いたのである。
I who met the great Kami’s spell “Ajimarikan” began the life to pray “Ajimarikan” every day from the first. It is that the spiritual wave that I have not felt, entered my body to a sound of “Ajimarikan” so far that was surprised to advocate “Ajimarikan” first. Then, “What’s this! This must be so to say Kami….”, I thought. Even if I prayed for Kami, even if I prayed towards Kami in the heart, and the wave of Kami when I prayed for “Ajimarikan” has not been felt till then. Therefore, I was surprised very much when the wave of Kami entered own body quickly.
As I was not so-called medium constitution (constitution to feel the thing which is astral), I have not seen the world of soul and Kami, and I have not heard such a voice. Therefore, I have no experience to see ghosts or kamis when I went to the Shinto shrine. I might have the lucid dream of spiritual contents exceptionally. The soul like Christ (not Jesus the Sun divine spirit) came out in the dream, and an alien came out, and the fairy of the flower of the lily came out and might have dream that seemed to be a scene in previous life.
I was interested toward the writing contents of the founders of the new religion than the physical study that I majored in in one of which had time for the school days (I was free). I did meditation of the yoga and made Zen meditation and performed the Shinsokan of “Seicho-no-ie” (“S-kai”) and the Touitsu of “Byakko-shinko-kai” (“B-kai”) of called the new religion, various ascetic practices such as the meditation of Theosophy “Ryuo-kai” habitually. Originally, I practiced them naturally as I liked the ascetic practices of such a mystery area.
The purpose that prayed in a Shinto shrine and meditated was that “Sanmai” of the Buddhism and “Samāj” of the yoga arrived at the state of Shinjin-gouitsu (= unity with Kami) like Rev. Masahisa Goi of B-kai. But the wish was not granted in a place of another one step for school days. My religious state did not progress remarkably even after becoming a member of society.
When I was over the sixtieth birthday, “another one step” was granted suddenly. I was enlightened by Teikichi Sato’s “What kind of country is Japan?” and it got up when I thought seriously the great Kami’s spell “Ajimarikan”. The thing which visited me was clearly different from Sanmai or great enlightenment of the Buddhism or Samāj of the yoga and was a rather Japanese-style experience.
◆私の「アジマリカン」体験の様相 [The aspect of my “Ajimarikan” experience]
As for it, “this might be Kami by any chance”. The meditating practice was continued after the graduation of university, but there was not such experience of mystical occurrences. It was a kind of wave-like substance that it might be Kami (= God) which visited me. A mysterious wave jumped in me. At first there were a big surprise and a shiver.
Only then did I think I grasped something that convince me “this is Kami (not equal to God)”. The experience may be a kind of Buddhahood, but it was different from the enlightened state of “knowing all the secrets of the universe”. The closest thing is the feeling of “becoming one with the universe.” It’s not like I’ve learned something, or I’ve been given a special ability. However, only the sense of unity with the universe was outstanding. I felt like I had lost the boundaries of my body. There was a sense of unity with the universe until then, but it was clearly different from the conventional state of consciousness in that something that felt “Kami” entered me, “this is notably important”, I thought.
I have a kind of spiritual sensitivity, but it’s like an extension of my skin sensation. I can’t see the ghosts and I can’t hear their voice. I have neither the ability nor the experience of reading the thoughts of others, seeing through distant objects, attracting goods, visiting the spirit world and playing around. However, only the existence of spirits and kami’s can be perceived as an entity. The way of feeling such invisible entities is the feeling that “the spirit is in front of me” and “the spirit is inside me” being united with its existence.
This is the first time I have written this detail about my own spiritual sensations and related experiences. The reason I wrote this is because the experience I had with the great Kami’s spell “Ajimarikan” was something I hadn’t had in the decades before. My “Ajimarikan experience” was, in a good way, an experience that betrayed my expectations. I was surprised at the intuition that “this is the kami of Zubari.” Many words “intuition” appear in the text from here, but they mean that they are my direct recognition. Please be aware of this point before proceeding.
The Old Testament and Ajimarikan differ greatly in the way of recognizing God/Kami as follows.
旧約聖書 :神 → 預言者(外流、間接的、預言者だけ交流可能)
アジマリカン:神(コトバ)→ 斎藤 (内流、直接的、誰でも交流可能)
The Old Testament: God → prophets (Outer flowing, indirect, Only prophets can interact)
Ajimarikan : Kami(= a word) → Saito (Inner flowing, direct, Everyone can interact)
In the Old Testament, it is called “Outer flowing”, and the word of the outer god is conveyed to the prophets. On the other hand, in the case of Saito, the word “Ajimarikan” echoes directly within me. The message from Kami is called “Inner flowing” and is recognized within me. This is a decisive difference. The mode of communication is completely different between the Old Testament era and the present day (especially in Japan), but this difference is fundamental and means that the divine entity is completely different in the first place. Which god is the real one?
The Old Testament God is an outer god and can only interact with one prophet. On the other hand, since the god of Ajimarikan is an inner kami, anyone can interact with it. I would like to declare that “the Kami of Ajimarikan is the true God”, but let’s put it on hold for a while.
◆「アジマリカン」は活き物? 探求の旅へ…… [Is “Ajimarikan” a living thing? To the quest journey…]
This spell “Ajimarikan” has a very mysterious nature. It has the property of being accompanied by an entity that enters and exits the body. The state in which “Ajimarikan” is in the body is accompanied by the feeling that something living (= spiritual entity) is in the body. This kind of sensation may be possible because not only I but one of the people who came to listen to my lecture talked about the experience of “something warm exists in my body”.
Even more mysterious is the fact that the “Ajimarikan” in my body remains intact. In such a state, the entity “Ajimarikan” becomes familiar with the body and eventually becomes one. “Ajimarikan” is such a living and mysterious entity.
私は、この自分の腹中で鳴っている存在を「神」と呼んでいる。この「神」とは、いったいどういう神なのであろうか? その答が得られれば、本論の目的は果たされる。
This is a very strange feeling, but I always feel that the sound of “Ajimarikan” is existing in my body (= in my stomach). This “is existing in my body” is same pronunciation with “is ringing” (of course it is “naru” in Japanese).
I call this ringing entity in my belly “Kami”. What kind of god is this “Kami”? If the answer is obtained, the purpose of this paper will be fulfilled.
This feeling may seem like my personal outrageous feeling. However, because I feel that way, I have no choice but to write as I feel. Being like a creature in me = Ajimarikan is a Kotoba with such unprecedented characteristics. So far, it seems that many people have tried to elucidate Ajimarikan, but its meaning remains unclear. Rev. Motohisa Yamakage (deceased) of Yamakage Shinto, the successor of Ajimarikan also said, “This word is an ancient tradition, and its meaning is unknown. I think that they are missing the point of it (“The Mystery of Shinto” Shunjusha Publishing Co., Ltd., 2000).
However, Rev. Motohisa Yamakage wrote in his book “Ichirei-Shikon” (Kasumigaseki Shobo, 1973) that “Ajimarikamu is a kototama that shows the absolute authority of Kami and is the greatest way to reveal Kami, and the power of Kami. It is a word that praises the power of Kami and expresses Kami as it is”. During that time, in 27 years, did Rev. Yamakage have any event that changed his perception of Ajimarikan?
In this way, Ajimarikan is a kototama which meaning is unknown even in the traditional Yamakage Shinto. Nevertheless, “I can’t enumerate the stories that there were various spiritual tests by chanting this. In Yamakage Shinto, when offering spirits, praying for the activation of one’s own spirit, and at any time. It is said that if you chant this divine spell, you will naturally gain mythical power if you chant it a million times (“The Mystery of Shinto”).
What kind of kototama is the great Kami’s spell “Ajimarikan”?
Inspired by the report of Master Yamakage in “The Mystery of Shinto”, I started my quest because I wanted to find out the true identity of the great Kami’s spell “Ajimarikan”.